About me

Hi there! I am glad you are here 😊

My friends describe me as someone who embrace the versatility and mutability of life. Also a bit rebellious, I am a freedom seeker above all. I am not settling for the status quo, and often look for deeper meaning and connections in life.

A humanitarian and empathetic person by heart, I have a passion for helping others thrive to create a positive impact on themselves, their communities and the planet.

Life Highlights

  • Educational background in international law with a specialisation in peace building through justice and conflict resolution. My expertise lied in finding and implementing alternatives to traditional forms of justice and peace building to reconstruct a broken society sustainably.

  • I worked as a legal attaché at the United Nations where I represented France in diplomatic duties, to then learn programming in search for more impact, opportunities, creativity, and fun!

  • I reinvented myself across 7 countries - Brazil, Peru, US, Canada, Netherlands, UK, Italy - finding new passions and connections along the way.

  • I am an explorer and environmental advocate with a penchant for high altitude hikes. Adventures such as hiking through the highest peaks of the Pyrenees for 20 days led to positive and long-lasting change!